(ФОТО) Ова е двојничката на поранешната војвотка Меган Маркл

Американката Акеиша Ленд станала ѕвезда на Инстаграм и во британските медиуми поради неверојатната сличност со војвотката од Сасекс, Меган Маркл.

39-годишната Акеиша на почетокот добивала лајкови поради симпатичните фотографии со своето преслатко синче Грејсон, а потоа нејзините фотографии завршиле во медиумите и ја шокирале јавноста.

Бројни следбеници на Ленд се колнат дека таа е двојничка на Меган, а во коментари постојано ја прашуваат дали е нејзината тајна сестра близначка.

Токму поради сличноста со Меган, Акеиша добила над 150 илјади следбеници на Инстаграм.

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An #usie with my littlest love in our matching “LOVE” sweatshirts from @coolkiidzwear ❤️ • What I love about these sweatshirts is not only their obvious adorableness, but also the fact that they aren’t super thick. Which is perfect for fall and winter because you can layer it with other things and not worry about sweating out your hair (ain’t nobody got time for that! 💁🏽‍♀️). And if your kid(s) are anything like mine, they get hot real fast running around all day, so lightweight layers are imperative. I also love that you’re able to take the layers off to rock it in the spring for those still cool days. These sweatshirts are perfect for year round cuteness! • Have a great week friends and remember to tell the people you care about that you love them… and as always, keep it cute! 😘

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A PARENTS WORST NIGHTMARE: Happened to us… Keep reading to know why we’ve been MIA this past week… 😩 • Tristan woke up in the middle of the night before school on Monday complaining of his arm hurting and itching. My hubby said it looked like he’d scratched off a bug bite. So we didn’t think anything of it at first. Then when I was fully awake I was thinking how that doesn’t seem like something he’d normally do. And I mentioned it to Preston (my hubby) before he left for work. So when I saw Tristan’s elbow later while getting him ready for school his “bite” definitely didn’t seem like a normal mosquito bite to me and I immediately thought brown recluse. But Preston told me even if it were there’s nothing that can be done, so even though my instincts told me differently, I just took his word for it. But when Tristan came home from school on Monday he was clearly disoriented and not feeling well. So he napped and seemed to be in better spirits when he woke up. But then Tuesday morning he woke up early again and was puking and had diarrhea. That’s when I noticed his bite on his elbow had changed a ton and looked horrible (swipe to see the fast progression of his skin dying from necrosis over a short 48hrs from Tuesday morning to Thursday morning). So that, coupled with his throwing up and diarrhea, made me of course start worrying that it definitely was a brown recluse bite (if you don’t know what a brown recluse is, Google it, it’s one of the top 2 most poisonous spiders, in the US). So Preston took him to the ER, where they claimed it wasn’t a brown recluse bite and even claimed it couldn’t go systemic even if it were. My instincts told me they were wrong so I had Preston take him to his pediatric office and they also said they didn’t think it was a brown recluse bite. He was prescribed antibiotics orally from the ER and topically from his pediatrician and released. I still didn’t feel right about it (so much so that I was in a full on anxiety attack for 2 days straight)… READ THE REST IN THE COMMENTS BELOW

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